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End of Series Three

We have now reached the end of our third journey through the portal labelled “Odditorium”. The two Davids reflect on the eclectic fare that has been offered and look forward to putting their feet up… End of Series Three

Bringing it all back home

Nearing the end of his journey, David heads to the Arizona Desert in search of an entire eco-city built from scratch by Italian architect, Paolo Soleri. Arriving back at his home in Brighton after twelve… Bringing it all back home

Esalen and Arcosanti

David heads to California where he thinks maybe – just maybe – he’s found utopia in a New Age community conceived by Aldous Huxley and managed by Hunter S.Thompson. Does it have free wifi and… Esalen and Arcosanti


In the heart of the Italian Alps sits the community of Damanhur, creators of the world’s largest underground temple and home to singing plants. While David is moved to tears by their architectural wonders he… Damanhur


David heads to the north of Scotland to the caravan park community of Findhorn in search of giant vegetables and plant spirits. Instead he finds himself rooming with Karl, the bassist of the Belgian punk… Findhorn


After his long-term partner leaves him, David embarks on a global adventure to find his own utopia. First stop is an anarchist community in the heart of Denmark, complete with rampaging santas and a drunken… Christiania

36. Alan Moore

Author, magician and hirsute wonder, Alan Moore is, for many, the greatest living Englishman. Not easily lured from his home town of Northampton, Alan made a rare appearance at the Odditorium tent in Brighton in… 36. Alan Moore